Tuesday 19 May 2015

Your perspective - an invitation

A project by Twotoo - Kaksinainen
From May to June

Svenska kulturfonden and Pargas stad

What do you think touches us? What does it mean ”to be touched”?
It happens to us all:
that we are connected, in dialogue. That we get responses on our ”being there”, resonating within the surrounding we live in.
The moment we get in deep contact with our authentic identity, that means with the person we really want to be and agree with, this moment evokes a warm and satisfying feeling in us. It cannot be experienced in exactly the same way ever again, thus the feeling possibly occurs in many other moments within different contextes . Any impuls is unique, though as far as we have learned to open up for resonating towards the world, we might feel repetition in impuls and reaction.
We dont need to react or feel touched. Anybody but ourself decides, if we get into dialogue with the situation or not.
Music, movements, architecture, landscapes, relations, physical action, words, forms, accidents, sensations of any kind: these are possible impulses to react on.
Stories of another person can lead us onto the path towards our own story.
If both , the storyteller and the receiver commit to the whole situation, in context and outer setting, they can become linked in a wonderful way. While one story is on its path of construction, a whole puzzle of memories, links, historical facts and personal data is set out. While listening, another level of own memories and stories, a parallel world in the same universe, is appearing. The space is resonating of the people breathing in it and vice versa, the people are moved innerly by reacting on outer action.
That is what happens to me, doing Performance with body and mind at place. They are mostly framed actions and improvised reactions, that are composed in the moment.

That is what happened to me, when I was meeting Liisa Ake-Helariutta together with Arja Maarit Puhakka as Twotoo-Kaksinainen in the process of the Perrformance project Hembygdsfönster/ Kotiseutuikkuna/ Districtwindow on Thursday 14th May 2015.

We put the window on place, walked across the park towards her flat and rang the doorbell.
Warmly welcomed with a hug and sunshine coming in from a huge balcony window behind, we sat down to explain how we put the frame and to state that her personal Hembygdsfönster is now there to invite people taking over her perspective for a while.
This is what happened then:
During the time I listened to her stories, I saw my family sitting in my grandparents kitchen, blue white porcelan and fresh bread on the breakfast table. My grandmother and aunt tried to hide tears, while my grandfather spoke out, to me, a ten years old german girl in 1982: ”ja ja, there is nothing to talk about the past . Nothing for you my child to listen to. Terrible, ja ja. So who wants a piece of bread?” A paradox situation. The words totally opposite to the bodies , gestures and faces, sitting there with me at the kitchen table. I knew that my grandfather was 7 years in prison in Russia, during and after World War II. He managed to escape, one day appearing at my grandmothers door, being only a skeleton of a person. A mirracle, that forbid any story telling until the death of my beloved grandfather. A man, who was great in making marmelade and juice, a carpenter with a strict mathematic brain, a clown, counting numbers in Russian language and singing out loud ”Jodel songs ”in the woods. My grandfather and his strict and a bit cold wife, my grandmother, were with us while we were sitting in Pargas , looking through Liisas windowframe on a time far away from now and yet, so close.
That is what is one of Hembygdsfönster's intensions. A windowframe put to evoke dialogue, confrontation and resonating hearts and minds.
The action we ask for is in our days of 2015 not such a usual one:

I have developed a wish in the last days:

Let us bring the Hembygdsfönster closer to the youth!
How does a window resonate in us, put by a 13/14 years old? What story does it tell?
How lovely to be able to switch again into the perspective of youth. Or will it be strange for us, parents and grown ups?
Be invited to ask your kids to propose places for Hembygdsfönster/ Kotiseutuikkuna. Only the discussion at home, maybe followed by a walk through town, might be a fruitful way of spending time together.

For my part I am full of memories these days, wondering how easy it is to allow touch and how much we can motivate each other to see, what is.

Remember to contact us , in case you want to share this project with us. 
Thank you


Sunday 17 May 2015

A project by twotoo-kaksinainen
From May to June

Svenska kulturfonden and Pargas stad

On Thursday 14.5. we visited Liisa Ake-Helariuta at her home. She is recovering from a small operation and could not come to her window place. Her window stands beside the big stone she named the Lion. When you look through the window frame you see boats and behind them Partek (Nordkalk) factory. Liisa told us that the place is very dear to her. She use to swim there already as a kid, and she still continues to go there when ever she can. While sitting in her balcony we heard many interesting stories of her life as refuge from Karelia and how she and her husband have settled to Parainen after so many years living here.

(c)Twotoo-Kaksinainen 2015

Liis Ake-Helariutta asuu aivan ikkunapaikkansa lähellä. Rantaleijona makaa lähellä venesatamaa ja raamin sisältä näkyy veneiden lisäksi Partekin tehtaan siluetti.Istuimme Liisan parvekkeella ja juttelimme menneistä ja hänen elämästään Paraisilla. Liisa on karjalan evakoita ja ajatukset palaavatkin monesti lapsuuteen. 

Vi mötte Liisa Ake-Helarutta hos henne. Hon har sitt fönster nära sitt hem. Hon kallar platsen Rantaleijona, för stenen som ligger bredvid stranden liknar ju Leijon. Här brukade hon simma redan son barn. Liisa kommer från Karelen men har bott i Pargas redan över sjuttio år.

Monday 11 May 2015

A project by Twotoo-kaksinainen
From May to June

Svenska kulturfonden and Pargas stad

Fredagen den 8.5. vi gick till Lenholm med Mika Kottonen. Vädret var fint och det doftade härligt. På vägen till vald plats lyssnade vi olika fåglar och försökte identifiera deras art. Vi alla mindes hur skönt det hade varit att vandra i skogs och tänkte att det är mycket viktigt att dela dessa erfarenheter också med våra egna barn. Vi är tacksamma till familjen Reuters att få möjligheten att vara i deras naturområde med vårt projekt. På följande söndag, morsdag hade många familjer besökt Lenholm och kanske de alla hade märkt vårt lilla projekt och tänk att vilken fin plats vi ändå har så nära Pargas centrum.

Lenholmin tammimetsä on monille tuttu luontokohde, jonne mennään katsomaan lintuja ja ihastelemaan kasvillisuutta varsinkin keväällä. Perjantain 8.5. sää oli mitä parhain ja kevät kauneimmillaan. Seisoimme kaislikon vieressä ja kuuntelimme kaulushaikaran matalaa puhaltelua. Puheeksi tuli se miten lapsuuden aikana saadut luontokokemukset säilyvät koko elämän ajan ja kannustavat myös suojelemaan luontoa.  On surullista, ettei ihmisillä enää ole tapana saati aikaa viedä lapsiaan metsään tai muihin luontokohteisiin. Maailma on tietenkin erilainen kuin meidän nuoruudessamme ja monet muut harrastukset vievät lasten ajan. Sunnuntaina oli moni perhe kuitenkin käynyt äitienpäiväretkellä Lenholmissa. Ehkä huolemme tulevien sukupolvien luontokokemuksista on turha, toivoa sopii. Kiitos Reuterin perheelle tästä ainutlaatuisesta luontokohteesta ja mahdollisuudesta toteuttaa osa projektistamme siellä.

On Friday 8.5. we were in Lenholm with Mika Kottonen. The weather was perfect, real spring weather. We heard many different bird species and managed even to recognize many of them. All of us had memories from our childhood and the trips we had made in the woods. Susanne remembered smells of the flowers and forest, Maarit all the birdsongs. Mika told us that it would be nice to give his own children similar kind of experiences we just have. We are thankful for the family Reuter who gave us possibility to use Lenholm Nature Reserve in our project.

Susanne and Mika recall their own experiences in nature.

(c) Twotoo-Kaksinainen 2015

Saturday 9 May 2015

Hembygdsfönster at Lenholm opens a window towards past time memories

A project by Twotoo-Kaksinainen
May to June 2015
Spent the whole Friday morning as Twotoo-Kaksinainen(Arja Maarit Puhakka +Susanne Montag-Wärnå) with Maarit and Mika Kottonen in Lenholm Naturstigen, carrying a Hembygdsfönster/ Kotiseutuikkunen/ Districtwindow to its place, listening to birds, drinking tea, talking with Mika and Maarit and looking through the window onto ....yes, onto 10 years of Paraisten life. Thanks to this window frame many many memories of my first years living in Finland/ Pargas/ Lofsdal area were arising, as if a photo memory book was put to the table and opened up. By taking over Mika*s perspective, I discovered one layer of my own perspective, I recovered, because it had been lost under many layers of new life perspectives. Such a shaking situation. And a gift. To be taken to a place and recovering myself, through communication with the place and the people on place.
Yesterday I realized the fact, that I start to get to know more about Pargas Stad (historical facts and life stories combined) than I know from my own hometown Buesum /Germany. So I start thinking to do Districtwindow/ Heimatfenster one day in my own homevillage. Coming back to homeperspectives, linking them to here and now. Integration process. Thanks also to Björn and Sinikka Rantala for looking through their windows onto some time ago.
No photos here. All performance process and performance timeline until now will be edited and documented also on www.facebook.com/twotookaksinainen.
These words stand for my experience I had during the last weeks of performing this communal and communicative project. It is putting clear prints on my being here. Hembygdsfönster/ Kotiseutuikkuna/ Districtwindow . To see with your eyes.

Susanne Montag-Wärnå

As a wonderful coincidence we received an email on the same morning we were about to install the window at Lenholm.
Anne Lassfolk wrote the following to us:

"Suosikkipaikkoja voisi nimetä useita, eri mielialojen mukaan, mutta yksi kuitenkin on ylitse muiden minulle ja se on taianomainen Lenholmen.
Mietin minne laudanpätkän sijoittaisin mielessäni kaksi vaihtoehtoa; joko saaristotieltä luonnonpuiston suuntaan avautuva luonnontilainen tammimetsikkö niittyineen ja se ihana ilman ja avaruuden tuntu, vaiko tuo suuren suuri maahan vaipunut ikitammi siellä luonnonsuojelualueella, jonka näkeminen mykistää ja täyttää mielen ihailulla - luontoa kohtaan. Lenholmen on paikka missä sielu ja mieli lepää ja missä tulee onnellinen olo.


Anne Lassfolk"

It was a pleasure to read this message just at the moment we prepared to see through Mika Kottonens Kotiseutuikkuna at Lenholm. On place we read Annes email loud out, while birds were singing in the background and it certainly resonated in all three of us .

We are thinking to arrange a meeting of Anne and Mika there at Lenholm, to have a piknik or a view through the window. Certainly other participants will be welcome.
In case this event becomes true, we will publish the date in time.

So until then, feel welcome to go out and look through....

Friday 8 May 2015

A project by Twotoo-Kaksinainen
May to June 2015

Ensimmäiset ikkunat vietiin paikoilleen Paraisten keskustaan torstaina 7.5.. Björn Rantala valitsi paikan Vanhalta Malmilta. Hänen lapsuudenkotinsa sijaitsee aivan vanhan toripaikan vieressä. Talo oli pieni, hellahuone ja kamari ja koko kahdeksanhenkinen perhe asui siellä. "Me lapset olimme tosin koko ajan pihalla", sanoo Nalle Björn Rantala. "Tässä torin reunalla oli hevosilla paalupaikka. Ranta ulottui ihan tähän torin lähelle, niin että lapsuudenkodin lähellä asuneella lääkärillä oli ranatsauna. Sitten ranta täytettiin kaivoksen kivillä. Nyt kulkee Kalkkitie entisen rannan päällä, samoin Axon leipomo sijaitsi paikalla, jossa ennen oli vettä."

Keltaisen ikkunaraamin sisällä näkyy Björn Rantalan lapsuudenkoti.

Sinikka Rantalalla on monta muistoa Paraisten vierassataman laiturista. "Vi kallade den mötesplats, man sa att vi skall möta på ombordsbryggan." Kun veimme ikkunaraamin paikalle tuoksui meri. "Tuoksu tuntuu nytkin ihan meille asti. Täällä kävimme usein äitini kanssa pesemässä mattoja", jatkaa Sinikka.
(c) Twotoo-Kaksinainen 2015

Svenska kulturfonden, Pragas stad

Wednesday 6 May 2015

A project by Twotoo-Kaksinainen
May to June 2015

Fönstren är färdiga. Ikkunat ovat valmiit. Windows are ready.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

A project by Twotoo-Kaksinainen
May to June 2015

Nu börjar vi sätta fönstrena på platserna i Pargas centrum och Lenholm.

Tällä viikolla laitamme paikoilleen muutaman uuden kotiseutuikkunan Paraisten keskustaan ja Lenholmeniin.

This week we put some of the windows in their places in Parainen and Lenholm.

(c) Twotoo-Kaksinainen 2015